Sunday 25 April 2010

A date in the diary....

April 24th 2010... the first time Alex has ever joined me to watch football at the Pub.
Usually I am not an advocate of children in pub's BUT it's United vs Spurs in a must win match for United.
I don't thing Alex was totally entertained, (he didn't stay for all of the second half), but he did manage to consume two coke's and a packet of crisps.

At the end a three - one win for United. Still unlikley that they will win the league but at least it's interesting.
Great to see Tony again, always a good mate to watch football with.

Saturday 24 April 2010

The Beginning.

''Memory they say is fate's shorthand''.

As I rapidly approach my 40th Birthday, I am surprised at how much of my life I forget - and then suddenly a smell, a picture, a moment will evoke something that occured before.
I'm not the world's greatest writer but I hope writing about these moments will mean they are not forgotten - who knows perhaps I will learn something about myself and be entertaining at the same time.
